uniform magnetic field

英 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm mæɡˈnetɪk fiːld] 美 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm mæɡˈnetɪk fiːld]

网络  均匀磁场; 磁场叫匀强磁场; 匀强磁场



  1. The article studies a simple method for any energy level of three dimensional harmonic oscillator in uniform magnetic field.
  2. Double wave function quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of three dimension isotropy charged harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field.
  3. The energy spectrum and the wave function of Bloch electron in a uniform magnetic field
  4. A Formula of Energy Level of Three Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator in Uniform Magnetic Field
  5. Numerical simulation of weakly ionized gas hypersonic flow under uniform magnetic field
  6. Dynamical Theory of Rotational Charged Rigid Body in a Uniform Magnetic Field
  7. Using the slider to drive a metal bar to cut perpendicularly the uniform magnetic field in the center of a Helmholtz coil, induction electromotive force could be produced.
  8. Calculation on Center coherent states of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field under Landau gauge
  9. Double Wave Description of a Relativistic Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field
  10. The Moment of Magnetic Force of Plane Current-Carrying Coil That is Accepted in Uniform Magnetic Field
  11. This paper presents translating and rotating motional electromotive force of non-straight wire in uniform magnetic field.
  12. Stationary Center Coordinates Coherent Squeezed States of a Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field
  13. Considering the effect of the longitudinal uniform magnetic field, the microwave radiation produced by the interaction of a relativistic electron beam with a annular plasma is examined by use of the linear theory.
  14. Charge distribution on conductors moving in a uniform magnetic field
  15. It is important to study the uniform magnetic field in physics experiments.
  16. Double wave description of the motion of one-dimension charged harmonic oscillator in perpendicular uniform electric field and uniform magnetic field
  17. This paper studied the effects of uniform magnetic field on the parametric instability of jet with pulsating basic velocity.
  18. A entangled state of q-deformed Harmonic Oscillator in uniform magnetic field
  19. Further more, the removal of the degeneracy of the hydrogen atom is discussed, mainly studying the hydrogen atom in two orthogonal non-uniform electric fields and in high uniform magnetic field.
  20. The motion of charged particle in uniform electrical field, uniform magnetic field and complex field is analysed in this paper.
  21. In order to accurately measure the contribution of magnetic field to this process, a new magnetic field is established which is composed of a uniform magnetic field and a uniform gradient magnetic field.
  22. The charge distribution on a conductor rotating in the uniform magnetic field
  23. The energy level structure and eigen functions of the q deformed harmonic oscillator in uniform magnetic field are obtained.
  24. The numerical result is compared with the theoretical result of a conducting sphere in a uniform magnetic field.
  25. The paper introduces the working principle and structure of velocity type geophones, expounds the prerequisite for producing uniform magnetic field and the influence of the uniform magnetic field on geophone ′ s distortion.
  26. Analysis on dynamic characteristics for ferromagnetic conducting plates in a transverse uniform magnetic field
  27. A condition of making uniform magnetic field on Helmholtz 'coils has been derived.
  28. Effects of a uniform magnetic field superposing a space-period magnetic field on the gain of the free-electron laser were analysed and calculations were carried out.
  29. Firstly, we study the phenomenon about thermal entanglement of a two mixed-spin Heisenberg XY chain with a uniform magnetic field.
  30. A margin oscillator and absorptive probe matched with intensity of the uniform magnetic field were designed in the end. Then, measurement result of uniform magnetic field is given, performance experiments of the related parts are carried out.